

美國紐約主要城市公司設立登記,商標登記,進出口證,特許行業申請等。公司設立後雲端系統支援的會計薪資服務。 美國紐約紐約與臺灣同事攜手協同爲您服務。為地球暖化盡一份心力,減少空中旅行。

New York time zone:
The Engaging Manager Ian Lin, well-English speaker
Tel: +1-510-996-2685

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

New York City foreign-owned incorporation Procedures
(digested from World Bank: www.doingbusiness.com 2021/0610)


機構: 紐約州州政府公司司
Reserve the company’s business name (optional), file the company’s articles of
organization and adopt the company’s operating agreement
Agency : New York State Department of State, Division of Corporations

要保留姓名,創始人應提交姓名保留申請,並支付 20 美元的費用。
http://www.dos.ny.gov/corps/llccorp.html .申請保留該名稱60天,並可延長兩次,為期60天。
– 2 小時周轉時間:150 美元(額外費用)
– 當天服務:75美元(額外費用)
– 24小時周轉:25美元(額外費用)

275 美元( 200 美元備案費, 75 美元加急服務費)

The company founders may reserve the name of the company with the New York State Department of State Division of Corporations prior to filing the company’s articles of organization.
To reserve a name, the founders should file an application for Reservation of Name and pay a fee of USD 20.
The name reservation can be done online at the following: http://www.dos.ny.gov/corps/llccorp.html .
The application holds the name for 60 days and may be extended twice for additional periods of 60 days.
The fee to extend the reservation of name is also USD 20. The company name must contain the words “Limited Liability Company,” “L.L.C.,” or “LLC.”

The founders must file the company’s articles of organization with the New York Department of State Division of Corporations.
Forms can be purchased at a legal supply store or downloaded from the department’s website.
The application processing time is about seven business days.
However, optional expedited processing is available according to the following fee schedule:
– 2-hour turnaround: USD 150 (additional fee)
– Same-day service: USD 75 (additional fee)
– 24-hour turnaround: USD 25 (additional fee)

New York State requires an LLC to have a written operating agreement, but such agreement does not have to be filed with the state.
The business members may enter into an operating agreement before, at the time of, or within 90 days after the filing of the articles of organization.
Regardless of when such an agreement was entered, it may be effective upon the formation of the LLC or later specified in the operating agreement (provided, however, that under no circumstances shall an operating agreement become effective prior to the formation of such company).
Section 203(e) of NY LLC Law contains specific requirements as to what is required to be in the articles of incorporation.
Less than one day (online procedure)
USD 275 (USD 200 filing fee, USD 75 expedited service fee)

爲稅務和僱主目的申請聯邦身份識別號碼( EIN )
Apply for federal identification number (EIN) for tax and employer purposes
Agency : US Internal Revenue Service

該公司需要申請一個聯邦僱主識別號碼(“ EIN ”),這是用於稅收和僱主的目的。
創始人必須提交國稅局表格 SS – 4 (可從美國國內稅務局)。
可以在網上申請,在http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-SelfEmployed/Employer-ID-Numbers-EINs(辦理時間:即時)、電話(辦理期限:即時)、傳真(辦理週期: 4 個工作日)、郵寄(辦理期間: 4 周)。
如果申請人在網上申請,則不需要填寫國稅局表格 SS – 4 。

The company needs to apply for a federal Employer Identification Number (“EIN”), which is used for tax and employer purposes.
Founders must file IRS Form SS-4 (available from the US Internal Revenue Service).
It is possible to apply online at http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/Small-Businesses-&-Self Employed/Employer-ID-Numbers-EINs (processing time: immediate), by telephone (processing time: immediate), by fax (processing time: 4 business days), or by mail (processing time: 4 weeks).
If applicants apply online, they do not need fill out IRS Form SS-4.
Less than one day (online procedure)

Register to collect state sales tax
Agency : New York State Department of Taxation and Finance

見稅務和財政部的官方出版物 750 ,“紐約州指南銷售稅”。

如要註冊,創始人必須提交 DTF – 17 表格,或在紐約州稅務和財政部網站在線上註冊(http://www.tax.ny.gov/)。
如果公司希望在紐約州進行應稅銷售,它必須在營業前至少 20 天向稅務部門登記。

Businesses that “sell taxable tangible personal property, perform taxable services, receive amusement charges, or operate a hotel or motel, and restaurants, taverns, or other establishments that sell food and drink” must register as a sales tax vendor and obtain a Certificate of Authority, as well as those businesses that buy and sell for resale (for example, a wholesale distributor).
See the Department of Taxation and Finance’s Official Publication 750, “A Guide to Sales Tax in New York State.”

To register, the founders must file Form DTF-17 or register online at the website of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance (http://www.tax.ny.gov/).
After the company has registered, it generally must file quarterly sales and use tax returns regardless of whether it has started or done any business.
If the company expects to make taxable sales in the State of New York, it must register with the Tax Department at least 20 days before it begins business.
New York State will then send to the company a Certificate of Authority which must be always displayed at your place of business.
Less than one day (online procedure)

Register as an employer with the Unemployment Insurance Division at the State Labor Department
Agency : New York State Department of Labor

創始人必須通過填寫 NYS – 100 表格註冊爲僱主,以確定公司是否根據紐約州失業保險法承擔責任。
勞動網站 (https://applications.labor.ny.gov/eRegWeb/registerEmployer/uiEPMWelcomeMain.faces)或填妥表格 NYS – 100 並以郵寄或傳真方式遞交。

Founders must register as an employer by completing Form NYS-100 to determine whether the company is liable under the New York State Unemployment Insurance Law.
If the company is determined liable, the Department of Labor will send the company quarterly combined withholding, wage reporting and unemployment insurance returns for reporting wages paid to the company’s employees.
General business employers may register online at the New York State Department of
Labor website
(https://applications.labor.ny.gov/eRegWeb/registerEmployer/uiEPMWelcomeMain.faces) or by completing Form NYS-100 and submitting it by mail or fax.
Less than one day (online procedure)

Arrange for workers’ compensation and disability insurance
Agency : New York State Workers’ Compensation Board


公司的聯邦僱主身份證號碼(” EIN “)是公司與勞工賠償委員會聯繫,或成爲委員會授權的團體自我保險公司成員的主要身份證明。
公司在獲得或維持其工人賠償或殘疾保險時,必須將其 EIN 交給其保險承運人。

每個”所涵蓋的僱主”都必須在營業地張貼和保存一份規定的表格,即”遵守通知”,表格 DB – 120 ,說明已指定向所有合格僱員支付殘疾津貼的條款。
在任何日曆年中在紐約州僱用一名或多名僱員至少 30 天的僱主,在僱用 30 天后滿四周後,即爲《殘疾福利法》所指的”涵蓋僱主”(《世界勞工公約》第 202 條)。
這 30 天的就業不必連續幾天。
1 天

As New York employers, the LLC founders must obtain and maintain workers’ compensation insurance and disability insurance for its employees by purchasing a workers’ compensation insurance policy and a disability benefits insurance policy from an authorized private insurance carrier or through the NYS Insurance Fund (or by self-insurance for workers’ compensation).

The company’s federal Employer Identification Number (“”EIN””) is the company’s primary identification with respect to communications with the Workers’ Compensation Board or by becoming a member of a group self-insurer authorized by the board.

The company must give its EIN to its insurance carrier when obtaining or maintaining its workers’ compensation or disability coverage.
Workers’ compensation insurance floor is calculated using each employee’s risk classification, salary, and total payoff.

Each “covered employer” must post and maintain at the place of business a prescribed form, Notice of Compliance, Form DB-120, stating that the provisions have been named for the payment of disability benefits to all eligible employees.

An employer who has employed in New York State one or more employees at least 30 days in any calendar year is a “covered employer” subject to the Disability Benefits Law after the expiration of four weeks following the 30th day of such employment (WCL §202).
These 30 days of employment need not be consecutive days.
1 day

Arrange for publication and submit certificate and affidavits of publication
Agency : New York State Department of State, Division of Corporations

《紐約州有限責任公司法》第 206 條規定,在 120 天內(在最初的組織條款生效後),有限公司必須在兩份報紙上刊登《組織條款》的副本,或連續六週每週一次刊登與組建該有限公司有關的通知。
它必須提交至 New York Department of State, Division of Corporations, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12231
申報出版證明書的費用爲 50 美元。
1 天 450 – 500 美元

Section 206 of the New York State Limited Liability Company Law requires that within 120 days (after the effectiveness of the initial articles of organization), a limited liability company (LLC) must publish in two newspapers a copy of the Articles of Organization, or a notice related to the formation of the LLC once a week for six successive weeks.

The newspapers must be designated by the county clerk of the county in which the office of the LLC is located, as stated in the Articles of Organization.
One newspaper must be “printed daily” and the other “printed weekly.
The State of New York website has a directory of all New York County websites
(http://www.nysegov.com/citguide.cfm?context=citguide&content=munibycounty1), which entrepreneurs can use as a reference to find their relevant county for publishing.
The cost of notice of publication varies by county.

After publication, the printer or publisher of each newspaper will provide the entrepreneur with a Certificate of Publication, with the affidavits of publication of the newspapers attached.
It must be submitted to the New York Department of State, Division of Corporations, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12231. The fee for filing the Certificate of Publication is USD 50.
1 day USD 450-500


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New York time zone:
The Engaging Manager Ian Lin, well-English speaker
Tel: +1-510-996-2685

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

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