New York City WFOE Company Registration nyc4ww

New York City WFOE Company Registration nyc4ww

WFOE Registration, Work Permit, Special Industry Permit application according to New York City Regulations, we need to do KYC (Know your client) before engagement with your assignment.

In New York City, please contact by phone in working hours of New York time zone:
The Engaging Manager Ian Lin, a well-English speaker
Tel: +1-510-996-2685

Our Service Coverage
*Subsidiary Company Registration (C corp)
*LLC Company Registration

*Work Permit E2


ELR-SUB 子公司設立



3.不包含相關的特許申請。         Edit  1

公司登記服務        ELR-VRA  提供登記地址        * 公司登記需要一個登記之地址。永輝可以協助提供給貴公司辦公室登記地址 * 每月USD200元,每年收費一次。 1. Evershine can arrange office to be your registered address. 2. In the initial period, it is a one-time charge for 12 months paid to the house owner of the address. * Payment Terms: 1. When signing up company registration engagement letter, you have to pay a rental fee for 12 months.            Edit  2

公司登記服務        ELR-OPE  工商代墊請款        1.係交通費、郵資費、快遞費等。 2.不含設立公司文件的翻譯費。 3.不含設立公司文件的公證費、認證費及相關車資,將以憑證向貴司申請台幣金額的代墊款。 4.若代墊款有超過此金額,永輝將以憑證向貴司申請超額部份。                Edit  3

公司登記服務        ELR-HCS   其它計時服務                      Edit  4

啟動公司業務申請服務        ELI-IBA     網路銀行申請服務        1. 基本上,開戶者須親自出席至。 2. 我們建議要設立網銀三個功能與角色︰製作者、檢閱者和核准者. 3. 如果委任本公司作為貴公司的售後服務提供者,本公司的當地同事之一會被設置為製作者。 4. 建議用戶端設立兩個銀行帳戶: 4.1 第一種與母公司聯繫在一起,意味著有銀行子公司或分支機搆,所謂的「海外銀行帳戶」的國家。 如果貴公司在貴國有銀行子公司或分支機搆,可以聯繫他們做 KYC(Know Your Client)(瞭解你的用戶端)並將 KYC 檔發送到該銀行的子公司或分行。貴公司可能不需要派員在當地開戶,但這看情況,不一定都如此。 4.2 第二種是當地指定的當地銀行,所謂本地銀行之一:為了節省銀行收費,就必須有本地的銀行帳戶,用於支付雇員工資、費用、預繳稅金、加值稅、企業所得稅和法定保險和退休金等。            Edit  5


ELI-FTC    國稅稅務證號申請        聯邦稅務證號 (Apply for Employer Identification Number(EIN)for tax identification number with IRS) The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) administers federal payroll taxes, including social security, Medicare, federal unemployment insurance, and federal income tax withholding.           Edit  6

啟動公司業務申請服務        ELI-GSC    Good Standing Certificate      1.申請Certificate of Good Standing。 2.因為Covid-19,辦理時間依辦理機構處理時程決定。                Edit  7

啟動公司業務申請服務        ELI-LIC     社會保險證號申請服務        雇主薪資稅證號 (Employer payroll tax account number Approval) The Employment Development Department (EDD) administers California’s payroll taxes, including Unemployment Insurance, Employment Training Tax, State Disability Insurance (including Paid Family Leave), and California Personal Income Tax withholding. Employers conducting business in California are required to register (within 15 days of becoming a subject employer), file reports, and pay taxes to EDD.                Edit  8

啟動公司業務申請服務        ELI-SLP     銷售者許可證        1.經營業務,在營業之前就必須領取銷售者許可證。 2.USD360/每一州 3.申請全美州銷售許可證,給予優惠價格280/一州。 有些州需要作續簽,每次續簽銷售稅許可證服務費USD200/每州。              Edit  9

啟動公司業務申請服務       ELI-OPE    啟動公司業務申請服務之代墊款        1.含交通費、郵資費、快遞費等。 2.若代墊款有超過此金額,永輝將以憑證向貴司申請超額部份。 3.不含台灣文件的公證及認證及車資,將以憑證向貴司申請台幣金額的代墊款。


After-Set Up Cloud Accounting, Tax and Payroll Compliance Services
*Accounting service using Cloud collaboration system
*Cashier role as ”Maker” in internet-banking account
*Vietnam Tax Compliance Services
*Payroll Compliance Services

We will act as your in-house accountant in your New York City subsidiary
When you adopt our services, we will use our proprietary Cloud platform to build up a collaborative working environment among your staff and Evershine staff. Your company’s CFO or any assignee can approve payment request/s and do the money transfer through online banking anytime, anywhere! No need for you to fill your Accounting, Finance, Payroll, and IT Departments in your WFOE in New York. Fraud-proof, Seamless collaboration, Hassle-free are some of our service features.

We use BPM (Business Process Management) system to monitor service quality including on-time delivery and correctness. Our business model has been providing very high-quality services at a competitive cost. Several hundreds of MNC (Multi-national companies) are our clients. The client list will be provided upon request.

Contact Us

In New York City, please contact by phone in working hours of New York time zone:
The Engaging Manager Ian Lin, a well-English speaker
Tel: +1-510-996-2685

For investment structure relevant to multi-national tax planning and Financial & Legal Due Diligence for M&A (Merge and Acquisition), send an email to
Dale Chen, Principal Partner/CPA in Taiwan+China+UK will be accountable for your case.
LinkedIn address: Dale Chen

Additional Information

Evershine CPAs Firm Headquarters
6th Floor 378 Chang Chun Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan ROC
Partner Kerry Chen, USA Graduate School, and a well-English speaker
Tel No.: +886-2-27170515 ext. 105
Mobile: +886-939357000
Skype: oklahomekerry

Evershine has 100% affiliates in the following cities:
Headquarter, Taipei, Xiamen, Beijing, Shanghai,
New York, San Francisco, Houston, Phoenix
Tokyo, Seoul, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok,
Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Dubai,
New Delhi, Mumbai, Dhaka, Jakarta,
Frankfurt, Paris, London, Amsterdam,
Milan, Barcelona, Bucharest,
Melbourne, Sydney, Toronto

Other cities with existent clients:
Miami, Atlanta, Oklahoma, Michigan, Seattle, Delaware;
Berlin, Stuttgart; Prague; Czech Republic; Bangalore; Surabaya;
Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Donguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Yongkang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Kunshan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xuchang, Qingdao, Tianjin.

Evershine Potential Serviceable City (2 months preparatory period):
Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people.
Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®.
(version: 2022/03)

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