美國紐約勞動管理諮詢服務 nyc4tw

美國紐約勞動管理諮詢服務 nyc4tw

美國紐約僱傭合約:定期,不定期; 美國紐約員工福利:員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償;美國紐約資遣員工:預告期 ,遣散費,失業保險。

New York time zone:
The Engaging Manager Ian Lin, well-English speaker
Tel: +1-510-996-2685

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

New York Hiring

美國紐約僱傭合約Employment Contracts —


涵蓋範圍 —


Employers can be subject to certain restrictions and requirements when hiring employees.
This summary covers hiring topics that aren’t covered elsewhere.
Topics such as background checks, employment eligibility verification, job references, medical examinations, and drug testing are covered in separate summaries.

Coverage —

Reporting requirements: Public and private employers, labor organizations, and other entities for which anyone performs services are covered by the new-hire reporting requirements if they control the payment of wages for services.
This summary covers requirements for private-sector employment, excluding industry/occupation-specific requirements.

Reference Citations —

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, New Hire Reporting


美國紐約家庭與醫療假New York Family and Medical Leave



每年最多支付 10 週(2021 年 1 月 1 日生效,最多 12 週)的福利。

Adoption leave: If employers allow employees to take leave after the birth of a child, they must allow employees to take the same leave under the same terms after the adoption of a child.

Bereavement leave: If employers provide funeral or bereavement leave for the death of an employee’s spouse or the spouse’s family members, they can’t deny this leave for the death of an employee’s same-sex committed partner or the partner’s family members.

Paid family leave: Eligible employees can receive insurance benefits when they take leave for their family member’s serious health condition; to bond with their newborn, newly adopted, or newly placed foster child; or for qualifying exigencies that occur because their family member is or will be on active duty in the U.S. armed forces.
Benefits are payable for up to 10 weeks (effective Jan. 1, 2021, up to 12 weeks) annually.

美國紐約產假Maternity Leave —

產後就業:雇主不得在產後 4 週內故意僱用或允許婦女在製造或零售場所就業,除非她們提供合格的醫生書面意見,表明他們在身體和精神上有能力履行其工作職責。
在生產或零售企業僱用婦女在生育後 4 週內的規定,適用於有償或無償就業。

Post-childbirth employment (until Oct. 7, 2020): Employers can’t knowingly employ or permit the employment of women in manufacturing or retail establishments within the four-week period after they give birth to a child, unless they provide a qualified physician’s written opinion that they are physically and mentally capable of performing their job duties.

The provisions on employing women in manufacturing or retail establishments, within the four-week period after they give birth to a child, apply to employment with or without compensation.

美國紐約病假Sick Leave —

雇主必須允許每位員工每工作 30 小時,至少累積一小時病假,但須遵守以下限制:

  • 如果雇主在實際日曆年最多有四名僱員,則每個日曆年(或由雇主確定的其他常規、連續 12 個月期間)最多 40 小時的無薪病假。

如果雇主在上一個納稅年度的淨收入超過 100 萬美元,則必須支付該假期。

  • 如果雇主在實際日曆年有 5 至 99 名員工,則每個日曆年最多 40 小時的帶薪病假(或由雇主確定的其他定期、連續的 12 個月期間)。
  • 如果雇主在實際日曆年有 100 名或更多員工,則每個日曆年(或由雇主確定的其他常規、連續 12 個月期間)最多 56 小時的帶薪病假。

An employer must allow each employee to accrue at least one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked, subject to the following limits:

  • Up to 40 hours of unpaid sick leave in each calendar year (or other regular, consecutive 12-month period determined by the employer) if the employer has up to four employees in an actual calendar year.
    This leave must be paid if the employer’s net income exceeded $1 million in the previous tax year.
  • Up to 40 hours of paid sick leave in each calendar year (or other regular, consecutive 12-month period determined by the employer) if the employer has five to 99 employees in an actual calendar year.
  • Up to 56 hours of paid sick leave in each calendar year (or other regular, consecutive 12-month period determined by the employer) if the employer has 100 or more employees in an actual calendar year.

其他休假Other Leave —

New York doesn’t have a school activities leave law that applies generally to private employers.

美國紐約養老金和社會保障Pensions and Social Security —


涵蓋範圍 —
雇主- 向紐約居民付款的雇主和計劃管理人員可以應收款人的要求扣留付款。
收款對象- 紐約居民須預扣退休福利金。聯邦法律禁止紐約預扣支付給非居民的合格退休計劃福利。

New York law does not require employers and plan administrators to withhold state income tax on retirement benefit payments, but it does allow payment recipients to elect to have employers and plan administrators voluntarily withhold income tax from the payments and remit tax withheld to the Department of Taxation and Finance.

Coverage —


Employers and plan administrators making payments to New York residents may withhold on the payments at the recipient’s request.


New York residents are subject to withholding on retirement benefit payments.
Federal law prohibits New York from withholding on qualified retirement plan benefits paid to nonresidents.

美國紐約勞動賠償Workers’ Compensation —


New York requires all covered employers to obtain and maintain insurance for on-the-job injuries and occupational diseases that result in total or partial incapacity or death.
The state’s law also establishes criteria for workplace safety programs that qualify employers for premium discounts. Employers can obtain workers’ compensation coverage through private insurers, self-insurance programs, or the state fund.
Employers that secure coverage through private insurers must be sure the policies are issued in accordance with New York’s law.
Out-of-state employers that secure coverage through private insurers who are not licensed in New York must be sure that the private insurer has filed a statement of compliance with the New York Workers’ Compensation Board for non-New York Licensed Carriers.

Reference Citations —

Coverage: N.Y. Workers’ Comp. Law §§ 2, 3, 14-a, 15, 25, 25B, 45, 49-bb, 49-ff, 54, 56, 113


美國紐約工廠關閉和大規模裁員Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs —

計劃搬遷、關閉工廠、大規模裁員或減少工作時間的雇主,必須至少提前 90 天向受影響的員工及其代表、紐約州和當地勞動力投資委員會,提供這些行動的書面通知。

涵蓋範圍 —


  • 50 名紐約員工或以上,不包括兼職員工;
  • 50 名紐約員工或以上,包括每週累計工作至少 2,000 小時的兼職員工(每週總小時數的計算包括員工定期工作的加班時間)。

Employers that are planning relocations, plant closings, mass layoffs, or certain reductions in work hours must provide at least 90 days’ written notice of these actions to affected employees and their representatives, the New York State, and local workforce investment boards.
The notice requirement extends to the chief elected official of the unit(s) of local government, the school district(s), and each locality which provides emergency services where the mass layoff, relocation, or employment loss will occur.

Coverage —

Employers are subject to the plant closing and mass layoff provisions if they plan relocations, plant closings, mass layoffs, or covered reductions in work hours and have:

  • 50 or more employees in New York, excluding part-time employees; or
  • 50 or more employees in New York, including part-time employees who work in the aggregate at least 2,000 hours per week (calculations of total weekly hours include overtime hours that employees work on a regular basis).

美國紐約終止僱用合約資遣 Payment on Termination —


Employers must pay employees, who quit, on the next regular payday.
Payment may be made by mail at the request of employees.

美國紐約失業保險 Unemployment Insurance —


覆蓋範圍 —

涵蓋的雇主:紐約州的法律適用於聯邦失業稅法 (FUTA) 涵蓋的所有雇主,以及該州的雇主:

  • 每季度支付至少 300 美元的工資;
  • 在一個季度內向農業員工支付至少 20,000 美元的現金工資,或在一年中的每 20 週內每天至少僱傭 10 名農業員工(如果根據《農場勞動承包商註冊法》註冊或幾乎所有船員都操作領導的機械化設備,則船員負責人應承擔責任);
  • 作為非營利組織運營,每季度支付 1,000 美元或以上的現金報酬,或在當年或上一年的 20 周中的每一周內,在一天中的某個時間段僱用至少四名員工工作;或 • 收購需繳納失業稅的雇主的業務或部分業務。

New York’s Unemployment Insurance Law requires most New York employers to contribute to the state unemployment insurance fund.
Employers are assessed unemployment insurance taxes based on claim histories.
The taxes are assessed against employers only; there is no employee liability.
Employers are required to remit unemployment insurance taxes and to submit certain related reports on a prescribed schedule, and to keep certain records relating to employment histories.
Unemployed workers have to meet certain criteria to qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.

Coverage —

Covered employers: New York’s law applies to all employers covered by the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) and to employers in the state that:

  • pay wages of at least $300 in a quarter;
  • pay agricultural workers at least $20,000 cash wages in a quarter, or employ at least 10 agricultural workers for some part of a day in each of 20 weeks in a year

(crew leaders are liable if registered under the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act or if substantially all crew members operate the leader’s mechanized equipment);

  • operate as a nonprofit organization paying cash remuneration of $1,000 or more per quarter, or employing at least four workers for some portion of a day in each of 20 weeks in either the current or preceding year; or
  • acquire the business or part of the business of an employer subject to unemployment taxes.

Reference Citations —

Coverage: N.Y. Lab. Law §§511, 512, 560, 561(1), 562, 563(1), (2), (3), 564, 565, 565(2), 575; N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 12, §§ 471.1, 471.2

***Above contents  being digested  and translated from Bloomberg HR Database dated 20210710

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New York time zone:
The Engaging Manager Ian Lin, well-English speaker
Tel: +1-510-996-2685

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

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